The Marketing Mistakes Authors Make

book marketing Apr 04, 2023
The Marketing Mistakes Authors Make

If you’ve written a book, you know that marketing it is just as important as writing it. But sometimes, we find ourselves struggling to build an audience and get our books out there. What are the common mistakes authors make when it comes to marketing their books? Let’s take a look.

Underestimating Social Media

Social media has become one of the most powerful tools for getting your book noticed and building an audience. Unfortunately, many authors underestimate its importance or don’t use it at all. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can help you reach out to readers and connect with them on a personal level. You should also make sure to create your own website or blog where readers can go to learn more about your book and find information about upcoming events or promotions.

Not Knowing Your Audience

It’s important to figure out who your target audience is before you start marketing your book. Once you know who they are, you can tailor your message accordingly and target them specifically with ads or promotions. For example, if your book is aimed at young adults, then using platforms like TikTok or Snapchat might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you are trying to reach older readers, then leveraging traditional media such as radio or print ads might be more effective. 

Lack of Planning and Strategy 

Marketing requires planning and strategy in order to be successful. You should set goals for what kind of results you want from your efforts and how long it will take for them to be achieved. This will help keep you focused on what matters most when it comes to promoting your book—reaching new readers and growing your fan base! Additionally, having a plan will ensure that you don’t waste time or money on ineffective strategies that won’t get results.

Marketing a book can be overwhelming but with some careful planning and strategic thinking, it doesn’t have to be! Understanding who your target audience is, leveraging social media effectively, setting goals for yourself—these are all important steps in creating an effective marketing plan for your book. When done right, these strategies can help boost sales and get more people interested in what you have written! So do some research and start crafting a plan today! Good luck!

Want to supercharge your marketing plan?

If you are ready for some help with your marketing efforts, we would love to help you. When you join our marketing campaigns we give you a detailed marketing plan and training that you can use to take your book all the way to best seller status on Amazon. But the plans go far beyond that. You can use these plans for years to come with all your books. Here is what users of our marketing plan have said:

“I’ve never done anything like this and to have it all laid out for me in an easily copied format was incredibly valuable”- R. Valentine, Best Selling Author

“I learned a lot of valuable information about book marketing in this crazy indie author market, and I will use many of it for years to come in my career.  Having the ability to have someone hold my hand down the crazy path of marketing was the best thing for me because I got to DO IT. Now, for my next book release, I am far more confident and prepared than I otherwise would have been and I’m actually excited about marketing now that I know what I’m doing—thanks to this program, of course.”- Arabella Federico, Award Winning Author

“Definitely worth the money.  The marketing plan was amazing and reaching number one bestseller is an achievement that cannot be taken away.”- Dedra Stevenson, International Best Selling Author

“Thank you, Larissa, for your help in accomplishing my goal of achieving international best selling author status for my debut book! The plan was a bit of work but so much fun and I loved the straightforward marketing plan with the flexibility to be me and share myself and my journey. Thank you for making this process as simple as possible and for the encouragement and support! It is incredible to meet other authors and build community with them throughout the process and I am grateful for it!”- Christy Holt, International Best Selling Author




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